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~ Auntie Melissa ~ ~ Happy New Year's 2012 Shane ~ December 31, 2011
Cathy Giraud ~May your New Year Be Blessed~ December 31, 2011
Auntie Melissa ~ Thinking of you Shane, New Year's 2012 ~ December 30, 2011
Auntie Melissa ~ Thinking of you on Christmas Shane.. Love You ~ December 24, 2011
Cathy Giraud ~Sweet Memories~ December 21, 2011
Joel Raes Hello August 4, 2011
Rest in Peace Shane. You don't remember me but I remember
you and my brother playing football as kids for the Napa Oilers!

I remember your dad helping you along including all the
other kids that year(s).  I see your stickers in
your memory all over town, even all these years later.

RIP Shane. Watch over all those you knew back here.

Cathy Giraud May your Memorial Day be Blessed May 30, 2011

~May your Memorial Day be Blessed and Safe~ 
Barbara Pisano Thank you so very much February 25, 2011
From where we reign,we thank you so
For your kind remembrance of us and our families below
We had a beautiful day,cause all were there
Yes you too,were with us, in mind,heart and prayer
As we are not forgotten,neither are you
We busy ourselves with much to do
New souls arrive on a daily basis
And we gather with them,cause their families they miss
We show them how love continues to grow
By connecting our loved ones to soften the blow
You see, their hearts are broken,they are in so much pain
And we rejoice when our efforts are not in vain
Continue to hold each other up,it's when we're happiest here
We relish the laughter ,never the tears

Thank you for everything,there was much joy in Heaven Love and God Bless
 Nicky and Angie and their families

Barbara Pisano Hope you can make it February 19, 2011
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